County Art In Public Places Board Seeks Public Input On WWII Era Boiler Project


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Jul 17, 2023

County Art In Public Places Board Seeks Public Input On WWII Era Boiler Project

COUNTY NEWS RELEASEThe Los Alamos County Art in Public Places (APP) Board is

COUNTY NEWS RELEASEThe Los Alamos County Art in Public Places (APP) Board is seeking feedback on a developing project with the Los Alamos Little Theater Performing Arts Center WWII Era Boiler. Art in Public Places Board has been asked to consider the WWll Era Boiler to be part of the Los Alamos County Art Collection.

The WWII era boiler was used to heat the Performing Arts Center when it was the dining hall during the Manhattan Project. It was originally coal burning; however, in the 1950s it was converted to natural gas. This was inefficient, considering the building was heated by steam. The boiler was also connected to steam pipes that ran underground to heat a nearby shopping center downtown. Now it takes residency in Los Alamos Little Theater retired.

The Los Alamos County Art in Public Places Board would like to encourage anyone to participate in the survey about the WWll Era Boiler joining the Los Alamos County Art Collection. The survey is being conducted via SurveyMonkey, the link is below:

Survey Web Link:

The APP Board meets at 5:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday of every month and hosts a hybrid meeting format. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Los Alamos County Council website, then clicking on the "Read Agendas and Minutes" button: 

Art in Public Places Board is established to encourage the integration of art into the architecture of municipal structures, increase the general public awareness of art, to visually enhance the community, to capture a part of our history for future generations, to promote the establishment of a collection of art with the works of artists who live or work, or who have lived or worked in Los Alamos County having a priority.

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